The Collaboration
The collaboration between Lissette Aquino Aguay, Yahael Torres, and Keep Rising to the Top (KR3TS) enabled the organization to hire the two artists as assistants and pay for studio space and choreographers. This helped the organization tremendously by providing not only artistic support, but organizational support. Through this collaboration, improvements in social media marketing and administrative processes led to tremendous opportunities for the company, including sponsorship packages, new costumes, opportunities to perform and travel, and more. Guaranteed administrative support meant that KR3TS had more bandwidth to focus on artistic opportunities and ensure a better overall experience for its dancers.
The Organization
The mission of Keep Rising to the Top (KR3TS) is to broaden the notion of what a dancer is and promotes the preservation of ethnic and cultural dances based in Spanish Harlem. KR3TS fulfills a need in the community to provide a positive alternative to social and street pressures by providing dance classes and support programs in a non-discriminating atmosphere. KR3TS also carries out its mission through its core-performance group that fosters pre-professional dancers.