The Collaboration
The Kanatsiohareke Media Committee worked with artist Raienkonnis Edwards from Akwesasne Community to conduct video recorded interviews of elder Haudenosaunee Traditional Teachers from across the six nations of the Confederacy. The final products were themed videos of two Traditional Teachers from each of the six nations. Discussion topic areas included: Early Years; Culture; Language; Leadership; Ceremonies; Medicines; and Looking Forward. Each of the interviewees will personally receive an unedited copy of their interview. Because the interviewees participating in the project were mainly elderly folk, the sharing of recordings proved especially beneficial for one family who lost their mother/grandmother a few months after she had participated in her Nation’s interview. The goal of the project was to record the words and wisdom of the senior Haudenosaunee Teachers, working with Skidmore College to save the archive as a resource for the intergenerational transmission of Haudenosaunee knowledge and experience.
The Organization
The Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community promotes the development of a community based on the traditions, philosophy, and governance of the Haudenosaunee and to contribute to the preservation of the culture as a framework for a blend of traditional native concerns with the best of the emerging new earth friendly environmental ideologies that run parallel to these traditions. We conduct programs in the culture & traditions of the people: to foster spoken Mohawk language and to continue oral traditions of story & song.