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Kendry Martínez

Kendry Martinez is a multifaceted artist originally from Honduras residing in Queens, New York. They use different artistic practices in a rehabilitative way, enhancing the talent that exists in each one of us. They work as an artist who carries out political, public, and social advocacy that focuses on vindicating the rights of populations historically marginalized by the system such as: sex workers, people living with HIV, and the LGTBQIA+ migrant community in Queens, offering them hope for a full and safe life.

Kendry Martinez artista multifacetica originaria de Honduras con residencia en Queens New York, quien utiliza diferentes prácticas de artísticas de manera rehabilitativa potenciando el talento que existe en cada uno de nosotros, me desempeño como una artista que realiza incidencia política, pública y social que se enfoca en reivindicar los derechos de las poblaciones históricamente marginadas por el sistemas como ser: Sexoservidoras, Personas Viviendo VIH Comunidad LGTBIQIA+ migrante en queens New York, ofreciéndoles una esperanza para una vida plena y segura