Join Us for A Basic Income Day Of Action
Imagine a society in which artists can meet their basic needs, with no one left behind. Imagine an economy based on dignity, where we are trusted and empowered to decide what’s best for ourselves and for our families.
What you’re envisioning isn’t a dream. It’s a choice—one we can make together to create a system that works for everyone. Instituting a guaranteed basic income—giving people direct cash along with the autonomy to determine how best to use it, whether they’re working or not—is one of the most efficient and effective ways to lift people out of poverty. Artists often face financial challenges because their jobs don’t operate like regular 9-to-5s; job opportunities can be inconsistent, and even when artists are working, they often don’t receive benefits like health insurance that help cover costly expenses. Basic income allows for breathing room and enables people to weather expensive emergencies, job losses, health issues, climate disasters, or economic turmoil.
On September 22, people across the globe are coming together, taking action, and attending film screenings to fight for an economy that works for all of us as part of The 5th Annual Basic Income Day of Action. To change the narrative on basic income, they’re hosting watch parties and discussions around three powerful films—Raising the Floor, Storming Caesar’s Palace and Inherent Good—that can reach our diverse communities and help people connect to the power and possibility of basic income. Participants are also signing letters to support basic income as a means to building a more equitable, sustainable, and just society
The data are clear: direct cash works. From our work with New York artists to guaranteed income programs in Stockton, CA and Jackson, MS and the expanded monthly Child Tax Credit, guaranteed income has been shown to improve job prospects, food security, financial stability, well-being, and mental health.
In a nation where the deck is stacked against historically marginalized communities and against artists, basic income can be a critical step in remedying deep-seated systemic injustices.
Join us on September 22 to take a stand for equity and economic justice. Visit basicincomemarch.com to find a watch party near you or host your own.